Excess weight gain poses risks to pregnant mothers, babies

Excess weight gain poses risks to pregnant mothers, babies
A proper diet and adequate weight gain during pregnancy are essential for good health of the mother and optimal development of her baby. Experts always warn that excess weight gain in pregnancy puts both the mother and the unborn child in great health danger, reports below

Concern over the rising prevalence of obesity among women of childbearing age and the high proportion of women who are gaining in excess of recommendations during pregnancy has caused a paradigm shift to focus on proper weight gain during pregnancy and its health implications both to the unborn child and mother.

A proper diet and adequate weight gain during pregnancy are essential for good health of the mother and optimal development of her baby. If a mother doesn’t gain enough weight, her baby may be born small. Low birth weight infants have a greater chance of health problems. On the other hand, if weight gain is excessive, the baby may grow too large. This could complicate the birth process and increase risk of problems during pregnancy. It is also hard for most women to lose a large amount of excess weight after the pregnancy.

Researchers that carried a study involving more than 40,000 mothers found that women who gain more than 18kilogrammes during pregnancy are almost twice as likely to have a high-weight baby than mothers who gain less weight during pregnancy.

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